World of Words

Young girl reading Bible

Your Word, Lord is my lamp and my light.

What makes you, you? 

What has the Lord dropped into your life that pressed and shaped you into the person you are now?

Music? Dance? A book? A place? A person?  What’s your passion, what moves you to tears, makes you love till it hurts? What books have made your imagination soar? What sights have made you gasp?

Someone suggested putting together a “word cloud,” a place to list words, phrases, songs, people, places or things that pertain to what makes up who I have become during my lifetime.  So far In my word cloud there are three hundred and eighty-nine random words—only a fraction of everything that’s made me who I am. Nevertheless, they help describe the seasons of my life. A great big cloud full-to-bursting of  words.

It was a fun exercise and made me think. Try it!

word cloud

A cloud full of words

 I’ll list my words a little at a time and begin with some music–songs, singers, anthems, hymns, ballads, classical, timeless and now-music–the tip of the cloud bank of words about the music that’s filled my life.

Some of the music below is linked so you can listen NOW.

Crystal Blue Persuasion; Riders on the Storm; Singin’ in the Rain; Isaac Hayes; Holy, Holy, Holy; How Great Thou Art; Enya; Peter and the Wolf; Rhapsody in Blue; Finlandia; Lord of the Dance; Josh Grogan; Phantom of the Opera; Barry White; old movie musicals; and  a zillion more.

People, nature and animals, movies, books, places, the senses, and more.

Do we have some music loves in common?